Things Start Looking Up – And Then They Go Down Again . . .

Well, you know that green living is now the “in” thing when you discover that the push reel lawn mower you have had since 1992 is now for sale in COSTCO. They also have some makeup (tinted moisturizer, blush/bronzer and powder) that is completely natural and organic and made without any toxic stuff. And there was “Pink Solution”, a completely natural multi-purpose cleaner made from seaweed that works wonders for many tasks.

I am so glad to see organic food, non-toxic cleaning products, cosmetics without parabens and other harmful ingredients and VOC free paint are all becoming much more mainstream. In the past, you could only find these items in a health store, but now they are everywhere.

I am thinking, maybe more people will finally start to wake up and see what we are doing to ourselves and our world.

Then I walk up to Bloor Street in my neighbourhood and see garbage overflowing from bins and tossed all over the street and feel my heart start to sink. You see, here in Toronto we are in the middle of a strike and there is no garbage pickup from street containers. I guess for many people caring for our environment is only a priority when it does not inconvenience them in any way. Sigh.

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