Canadian Health Food Association Trade Show = new products!


I am so excited to be able to share lots of great new products with you all in the coming weeks! The Canadian Health Food Association trade show, held this past weekend, was packed with eco-friendly, health promoting supplements, herbs, foods and personal care stuff.

I’ve been battling multiple technical difficulties this summer (no excuse for dropping off the face of the earth though, so sorry about that), including running out of space on my computer and finding the new Photos program for my MacBook computer impossible to navigate without internet access. Since I was away from the internet for much of the summer, that was a problem.

Technology is a blessing but also a source of angst when you run into problems. I decided to just go with the flow and focus on my art, managing to complete a couple of portrait commissions that were long overdue and create some other paintings as well.

I hope you all had a wonderful, memorable summer and are also back into your fall routine now that the air is starting to crisp up!

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