Vogel Bambu Brewed Coffee Substitute

I have been trying to cut coffee out of my diet, with varying success. I did manage to go a whole week with absolutely no caffeine – no tea, no decaf, no chocolate. Let me tell you, it was a challenge. I think I may have a mini addiction there – not to caffeine, which I have pretty much eliminated without too much angst, but perhaps there is still a lingering psychological need for a hot, aromatic brew on occasion.

Today at my local health food store, I spotted this – fake coffee that you brew! The ingredients are surprising, to say the least, with the first ingredient listed being FIGS! This grind also contains rye, chicory and acorn. There is no wheat, so people who are sensitive to that grain can safely enjoy this beverage.

I used my single use brewer (pictured here) and made myself a faux cafe au lait with some vanilla almond milk and a teeny squirt of agave nectar. YUM! It was very satisfying, with a rich, velvety smooth flavor.

The brewer is very handy when making “coffee” for one and consists of the bottom section (shown here on top of my cup) where you put the ground “coffee” and a top piece that attaches and through which the boiling water is poured (shown to the right of the cup).

You only need a teaspoon of the stuff to make a small cup of “coffee” so this package will last a long time. The directions don’t indicate how to store it, but I decided to put the “Bambu” grounds in a quart canning jar in the fridge.

This product tasted a lot better than most powdered instant substitutes I have previously tried.

Comments 4

  1. this is amazing! i drink way too much coffee so to cut down would be a good idea and this is crazy awesome, I have never heard of such a thing. Very interesting!

  2. Post

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