I love rollerblading, but here is a cautionary tale for you. Do not do it if you are at all tired.
It was a beautiful spring evening and, although feeling really worn out, I forced myself off the couch to go on an epic rollerblading expedition.
Off we went, down to Costco to pick up a prescription, over to the local bistro bakery to buy a salad and then home. I was half a block from my house and got a little too over confident, sailing along at top speed, my feet went out from under me and I came down, hard, on my right hip/thigh. It wasn’t the hip/thigh that hurt though, I felt my lower back crunch to the left and then saw stars.
Having had x-rays and an ultrasound, the damage appears to be deep and under my sacrum bone, so now an MRI is in order.
The current thought is torn ligaments and possibly nerve damage. I can barely walk and am very frustrated since this has probably wrecked my summer.
Anyhow, the subject of this post – peonies! These blowsy, fluffy, showy, fragrant blooms are one of my favorite flowers. They have a brief moment of glory every spring.
I toddled very slowly out to my garden to get a closer look. Check out the overgrown asparagus in the background – two whole stalks. Maybe I will eat them for lunch.
I think there needs to be some form of protection for hips and behind when rollerblading – I had on all the protective equipment, but all that armor is of no use when you fall backward.
Be careful out there.