I have been really ill with the flu the past week or so – high fever, chills, headache, cough, runny nose. I am just starting to recuperate and slowly start putting some nutrition in my body.
During my convalescence, I have been reading everything I can find on raw food. I have to say, I feel like a whole new world has opened up.
I had no idea what culinary delights were possible without cooking. Browsing through cookbooks by Matthew Kenney, for instance, has been a revelation – this is gourmet stuff! Also, reading blogs by a couple of my fellow Canadians, Heathy and Carmella (whose blog template choice is serendipitously the same as my own) has been truly inspirational! These people are artists and food is their medium. I can hardly wait to get a dehydrator and start creating myself.
Anyhow, before I got sick, I was already learning about and experimenting with green smoothies. I have to say, I was not crazy about the fruit/greens combo in the taste department. The banana was just okay and I had decided that I would stick to a savory version. However, I always like to get a little extra vitamin C when I have been fighting a virus and so I thought of lemonade. Then I thought, why not add greens to that?
So, I looked in the fridge – no lemons. But lots of limes! So here is my creation, which was really tasty – you really don’t even notice any flavor other than lime with maybe a touch of apple!
Throw in Vita-Mix Blender:
1 lime, with skin cut off (a little white is okay)
1 small organic apple, seeded and quartered
1 organic celery stalk
3 leaves of organic kale (discard stem)
2 cups water
1 packet stevia or to taste
Blend and enjoy!