For the past week I have been attempting to stick to a diet of sorts – for health, not weight loss.
The foods I am supposed to eliminate are: coffee, sugar, wheat, dairy products, soy, meat, chocolate (aaagh), caffeine and all the other fun stuff that makes life worth living.
I have already cut way back on caffeine over the past year. I completely eliminated coffee for awhile, but the occasional decaf vanilla soy latte has snuck back in as a treat. Meat is no problem as I haven’t eaten that for almost 30 years. Chocolate, on the other hand, is a constant craving. I wish I was one of those people who are indifferent to it.
The food plan I am going to try is an anti-inflammatory diet, aims to make the body more alkaline and if I can ever manage to stick to it for more than three days, I am hoping I will be able to avoid taking the many prescription drugs my family doctor wants me to imbibe.