What Really Matters

We only have so much time. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. Days slip into weeks and weeks slip into years and before you know it you look in the mirror and you don’t recognize yourself any more and realize you never got around to living your dream. If we want to be happy and grow as …

No Pesticides

My son asked me the other day, “Mom, why do people want to get rid of dandelions, I think they are pretty!”. I thought that was divergent thinking – dandelions are not only pretty, they are also nutritious, so why have humans spent many dollars and poisoned our earth trying to eradicate them? Kind of crazy, no?

How Much Is Enough?

We all need a roof over our head, enough nutritious food and something to wear. We do not need 30 pairs of shoes – we can only wear one pair at a time. We do not need a mansion with all the latest appliances. We do not need filet mignon for dinner (and I would argue that you, and the …

Still sorting stuff out . . . today’s organizing discovery

Well, today I discovered that I have more than enough candles and definitely shouldn’t buy any more of them until I have depleted my current stock. At the rate I am going, I probably won’t need any more candles for the next decade. Isn’t it funny how we tend to buy the same thing over and over. For some reason, …


This one was a shocker for me – apparently the average American throws away more than 22 pounds of garbage every day! I am pretty sure it would take our family of four weeks to get to that amount since we compost and recycle most of our refuse. Yesterday was EARTH DAY and my youngest son participated in a protest …

Happiness = Experiences NOT things!

Why? Experiences provide more lasting satisfaction than things. We can take pleasure in our memories of good times for the rest of our lives. Things get broken, become outdated, get lost, wear out or we just get sick of them and no longer love them or want them in our lives. Sometimes the novelty of a new item wears off …

How Not To Gain Weight

I am going to offer a few simple steps to help you not gain weight:1. Never eat until you feel completely full. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to catch up with the stomach, so when you think you are still hungry, wait awhile. Otherwise you will end up overstuffing yourself and consequently gaining weight.2. Have an active lifestyle …

Spring Is Coming!

With winter dragging on and non-stop rain all day yesterday, some beauty and color becomes essential to our happiness. I took these photographs at a nearby botanical garden, where spring is already well underway.