I have often told myself that if only I had a bigger house with more closets and storage space, dressers, shelves, cupboards and chests of drawers, my house would be a model of tidiness. The truth is that I need to get rid of a lot of useless, unworn and tired items. I then need to use the empty containers …
Cultured Vegetables – Miracle Health Food Extraordinaire
I have been experiencing a few digestive issues of late, so while searching for natural cures, I stumbled upon a book, The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates, that recommends cultured vegetables for their good bacteria. This is an excellent alternative for people who do not wish to use dairy products like yogurt and kefir. The cultured veggies are also …
I have been reading a lot of books about “green” living, which seems to be the latest trend and people are jumping on the bandwagon en masse. I counted at least 8 books on a single table at Indigo Books the other day. My latest read was Green for Life by Gill Deacon, who I have seen in the role …
The End of Summer
Okay, so summer is over (such as it was with all that rain) and the kids are back in school. Time to get down to business! One of my looming projects is finally tackling my excess stuff. I have been holding on to all kinds of stuff I neither love nor use. Why on earth would anyone in their right …