Sewanti Ayurvedic Herbs – Triphala & Holy Basil for Detox/Rejuvenation


I recently received two samples of Ayurvedic herbs from a Canadian company, Sewanti, and I would like to share some of the benefits of these for modern, stressed out people.

Ayurveda (which means “Science of Life”) is a 5,000 year old system of natural healing, similar to Traditional Chinese Medicine in that it recommends diet, lifestyle and herbal remedies. It emphasizes the need for balance and talks about three different body types or doshas (Kapha, Pitta and Vata). My type is predominantly Vata, so I was happy to discover that sesame oil (preferably applied with a massage to ease stress) was a non-toxic, inexpensive and easily absorbed moisturizer for the dry skin common to Vata.

So many people these days struggle with feeling fatigued due to periods of extreme stress. Herbs, such as Holy Basil (Tulsi) and Ashwagandha (known as Indian ginseng) have become popular in the western world as well since they are rejuvenative, help to combat stress and lead to better sleep. A study of Holy Basil Plus conducted by the company resulted in documented increased antioxidants plus decreased lipid peroxidation. Holy Basil Plus contains adaptogens that help to decrease anxiety, lower cortisol (the stress hormone that speeds up aging), enhance immune system function, ease adrenal fatigue/hypothyroidism and balance blood sugar to prevent diabetes. Turmeric, a potent antioxidant is also included in this formula.

Another common health issue is constipation. Triphala Plus contains three fruits traditionally used to enhance digestion and elimination. It also has detoxifying properties and increases energy. The ingredients (which contain Vitamin C and other antioxidants) help to lower cholesterol, enhance eye health and bone formation.

What makes these supplements from Sewanti unique is that they contain concentrated extracts which may increase the speed and effectiveness of benefits.

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