Lasting Satisfaction

We may get a temporary high from shopping. Discovering just the right item can be exhilarating, but that feeling does not last. It wears off quite soon, and then we have to get another fix. It can truly be addictive.

So what is the problem with shopping if it is pleasurable and we can afford it?

I am glad you asked! I believe that we get far more lasting satisfaction from experiences than material goods. A happy life comes from DOING things, not HAVING things. No one can take away our memories of good times.

So be conscious when you shop. Step off the consumer treadmill and select carefully what you choose to add to your life. Remember, Thoreau (the pioneering simplicity guru) refused a door mat from a friend because he realized that doormat would demand things from him that he did not want to give. The door mat would need cleaning and care and time. So he just said no.

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