Can-Fit-Pro Conference

I attended some interesting lectures about nutrition and exercise and healthy living this weekend at the Metro Convention Centre in downtown Toronto.

This convention is for fitness professionals (I have been one for a very long time) and dispenses the latest information and inspiration regarding living your best life and helping others to do the same.

One of the guest speakers was Tosca Reno, who has written a number of books on nutrition and exercise. Her book, The Eat-Clean Diet is the original tome, but she has expanded with a book for men, and some recipe books, including one for kids.

She is a former “overweight housewife” who now eschews junk and processed foods, trans and saturated fats and eats 6 small meals every day, including healthy fats.

One of the suggestions she makes is to use Agave Nectar on your oatmeal, since it has a lower glycemic index and is four times sweeter than sugar. This is still a concentrated, processed food, but used judiciously it is a healthier alternative to sugar and honey, without any bitter aftertaste.

Tosca Reno is not a vegetarian, but there is a strong focus on plant based eating and there are lots of vegetarian and vegan options in her books. She also addresses the need for strength training and after seeing her in person, I am going to get more diligent about hitting the weights on a regular basis.

If you haven’t checked her out, you ought to. She is 50 years old, but you would never guess it!

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